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Keeping cool. Is AC worth the investment?
Is AC worth the investment?
The warm spring and summer months can seem so far away. In the midst of slush and ice, it can seem like warmer weather can’t come fast enough. The heat is on full blast and you’re slathering on the self-tanner to combat looking ghostly white this winter. However, with warmer weather on the horizon, it may be time to consider a new air conditioning (AC) system to combat the heat to come. So, is AC worth the investment?
What is an AC system?
An air conditioner is a great way to make the heat and humidity we experience during the summer more bearable. It cools the home by keeping the temperature indoors comfortable while still being energy efficient. Air conditioning units remove heat and moisture from the air to help make the occupied space more comfortable. The hot air is drawn out of the home, transferred outside, and replaced with cooler air. Moreover, air conditioning units are smaller than ever which means they don’t take up as much space as they used to!
Cooling units range from central AC units, heat pumps, and portable units, just to name a few. For more information about the different types of AC units, visit the NRCan site here.
Is it time to install a new system?
Just like any major addition or change to your home, it’s important to consider if a new system will benefit you. For homes that have AC, it may not be beneficial to replace the system. Conversely, homes that don’t currently have air conditioning systems could benefit from installing one. We talk a bit more about this in detail below!
Homes with older systems
Homes that currently have air conditioning systems should consider all their options before replacing the whole unit. Air conditioning units are a high-cost investment, which makes it critical to understand if the value of your home will benefit from the replacement of the unit. An older outdated system could deter buyers since they will notice if the unit is broken or worn out. Replacing the whole unit can be costly. Home owners should consider repairing the current unit before replacing the system in its entirety. For units that are on their last legs or severely outdated, replacing the unit could be very beneficial. Newer systems are much smaller and more energy-efficient than older models.
Homes without air conditioning
Homes that don’t have AC units can benefit greatly from installing a system. Adding an air conditioning unit to a home that isn’t already equipped with one can help to increase your property value. Homes without AC or ones with units that are over nine years old, should consider installing a new system. Newer systems are more energy-efficient and can make your property stand out compared to others in the area. Homes that are in an area where the majority of other properties have units installed may find value to installing a unit of their own. This will make your property competitive in value to those in the area.
New systems that are smaller and more energy-efficient can help increase the value of the home. For homes in seasonal cities like Halifax & Dartmouth, other options include heat pumps which can provide benefits throughout the seasons.
Staying cool… Is AC worth the investment?
Installing or maintaining air conditioning units can be very beneficial to the value of a home. Newer systems, or ones that are maintained properly, can yield home owners significant savings in a few years based on how frequently they use it. Investing in the maintenance, replacement, or installation of an air conditioning system can help you stay cool for less and increase the value of your home
While it may seem crazy to think about cooling off your home while in the midst of winter, now may be the perfect time to think about the financing of a new air conditioning unit. When you’re looking to see how an air conditioning system can save you money and increase the value of your home, give us a call at Clinton Wilkins Mortgage Team! You can reach us at 902-482-2770 or get in touch with us here!