Where is the real estate market in Halifax headed?
A common question is where the market in Halifax is headed in 2020. Here, we talk a bit more about What the rest of 2020 looks like in Halifax.
A common question is where the market in Halifax is headed in 2020. Here, we talk a bit more about What the rest of 2020 looks like in Halifax.
It always feels like the more time we spend at home, the more we want to upgrade our space. Here, we talk more about improving your backyard.
Buying a home can feel a bit intimidating. In this post, we talk a bit more about knowing when you're ready to buy your first home.
Buying a new home usually requires you sell your existing home. In this post, we talk more bridge financing and what it means as a borrower.
In the mortgage application and approval process you will hear a number of new words. Here, we talk about some important mortgage terms you should know!
When saving for your first home, where to save is important. Here, we talk more about your RRSP and TFSA and using these investments to buy your first home.
There are a number of documents to prepare for your mortgage appointment. Here, we talk about the most important things to get started on.
Overspending is tough to tackle without a plan. In this post, we talk a bit more about the signs of overspending and making sure you have a budget,
Your personal finances include a lot of math, debt ratios included. Here, we talk about debt ratios and how they impact your mortgage application.
Tech is getting smarter and phones are more powerful than ever. In this post, we talk about five apps you can use to help manage your investments.