Wedding or homeownership?
Many young Canadians are facing a difficult financial decision deciding between a wedding and homeownership. Here are some more details.
Many young Canadians are facing a difficult financial decision deciding between a wedding and homeownership. Here are some more details.
Buying a home in retirement can be a very difficult decision, and there are a lot of factors to consider as well as preplanning involved.
Bankruptcy can be a challenging situation, but it doesn't prevent you from being approved for a mortgage! Life after bankruptcy is possible.
Clinton Wilkins Mortgage Team has received a number of 2018 Centum awards. Inside is all the content for an immediate press release.
Given the overall trends that we saw in 2018, we dive a bit more into what you should expect from the Halifax market going into 2019!
Buying a home goes beyond the down payment. More often than not buyers overlook some common fees and hidden costs when buying a home.
Canadian home owners may not know that it’s still possible to afford their dream fixer-upper with a Purchase Plus Improvements mortgage.
Clinton sits down with Rick Howe on News 95.7 to discuss Merry Debtmas and to talk a bit more about your personal finances.
Both renewal and refinancing a mortgage can benefit a home owner. So, how do the two actually differ and which one is best for you?
It's the new year and a time to look towards the future. We’ve come up with a few things that you should consider before purchasing a home.
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