What is the difference between joint tenants and tenants in common?
There are many ways two people can own a property together in Nova Scotia. Two of these is through joint tenancy and tenants in common.
There are many ways two people can own a property together in Nova Scotia. Two of these is through joint tenancy and tenants in common.
Who doesn't love the idea of coming home from work, stripping down, and plunging deep into a refreshing pool? Here are the pros and cons.
Growing up, we’re always told it’s better to buy a house rather than rent one. In our latest post we discuss more about your options to buy or rent.
Using a credit card is a great tool to help you clean up and recover from your bad debt. In this post we talk through strategies to improve your credit.
We put together the top five things you need to do to be ready to spring into homeownership. Follow this path to be ready!
Clinton Wilkins has been awarded 2019 Mortgage Broker of the Year at the Canadian Mortgage Awards in Toronto on April 26.
Clinton Wilkins listed as number 32 on the CMP Top 75 Brokers for 2019! Here's what this means, and how we're continuing to support borrowers.
Going to a mortgage appointment is often the next step towards homeownership. Here, we talk about paperwork to prepare for your appointment.
Over the past few years, mortgage rates in Canada have been at a record low. In this post we discuss what causes mortgage rates to change.
In this post we talk about bi-weekly mortgage payments and whether there are benefits over paying the full amount once a month.