You have gotten a mortgage pre-approval! What do you need to do next? Here are the next steps along your journey to homeownership.
So what is a mortgage broker?
“Just because something is traditional is no reason to do it, of course.”
― Lemony Snicket, The Blank Book
Straight up, no cream or sugar, a mortgage broker is your ticket to getting the best available rates. The customized financing options. Some personalized, expert mortgage advice from someone interested in helping you succeed, not selling a loan for their employer. (Cough cough traditional lenders, cough cough).
They’re trained, independent professionals. They maintain relationships with a variety of vendors and can even find financing solutions in scenarios where traditional lending has let clients down previously (like if you self-employ, or have not-so-hot credit).
It’s seriously that simple – you can access better rates through a mortgage broker, period. If you’ve ever felt a certain sense of mystery or intrigue surrounding mortgage brokers, it might be because traditionally, in traditional Atlantic Canadian fashion, Haligonians continue to choose traditional lending institutions (ye olde family bank).
The mortgage broker way
Outside of traditionally traditional Atlantic Canada, over 60 per cent of homeowners clearly know where to find the best rates, choosing to engage a mortgage broker when financing their homes. In contemporary but still traditional Halifax, the opposite is true with just 40 per cent engaging a broker to finance their homes. Buck tradition.
Choosing a broker to sherpa you up the mountain of home financing may seem intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be, and you don’t have to break with tradition entirely. One of the best ways to find a broker is simply asking your friends. They have so much tacit knowledge they’ll make your head explode with excitement over a seemingly boring topic.
Visiting a mortgage broker in their natural setting (a professional office with awards on the walls, preferably) should help sway any concerns you may have, as your gut is, at the end of the day, the best indicator as to whether you want to work with someone.
Do yourself a favour, buck tradition and contact TeamClinton today to see how we can help you reach your homeownership goals!