Thinking about cottage improvements? We’ve got you! Here are some suggestions to help you update your cottage this season.

4 tips to get your home ready for fall
Getting ready for fall!
We’ve seen the first signs that fall is just around the corner. Starbucks has released the infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte and stores are already decorating for Halloween. We are all buzzing for the cooler weather and the chance to pull out all the comfy warm clothes. The transition into fall is the perfect opportunity to get your home ready for the cooler season too! A fall-ready home can save you from doing more work in the transition to winter and snuggle up with a warm Pumpkin Spice Latte.
1. Prepare the furnace
Between last year and this year, the filter in your furnace can become all clogged up with dust. When the filter is blocked with debris, the furnace works harder and the house won’t be as warm as it would with an unblocked filter. This can also cause heating bills to go up since the furnace is working harder. Depending on the type of filter, it’s best to clean or change the filter every month or two. Moreover, take a few minutes to go around the house and ensure the vents aren’t blocked. Blocked vents can cause airflow to be restricted and a buildup of carbon monoxide.
2. Install and check carbon monoxide detectors
Cold weather is one of the perfect settings for carbon monoxide buildup. You have guests over, food baking in the oven, the furnace on and the fireplace burning. This can all cause a buildup of carbon monoxide in the house, which may cause carbon monoxide poisoning. Installing carbon monoxide detectors and knowing the warning signs of carbon monoxide poisoning can literally be a lifesaver!
3. Clean the gutters
Gutters are an important instrument in draining rainwater off the house. They drain the water away from the house, which protects the siding, doors, and windows from water damage and flooding. For them to properly do their job, they must be cleaned from leaves and other debris. Home owners can either hire a professional, such as a handyman or gardener, or do it themselves. If the roof is higher than a single story it is better off having a professional do it and work safely from a ladder.
4. Clean the yard
Having a usable outdoor space is an important part of the summer. During the colder months, it’s important to maintain the space and care for it. If you want your outdoor furniture to last a long time, now is the time to store it. Store it in the shed, garage, or under a tarp to prevent it getting damaged from the cold and wet weather. As we get further into fall, more leaves will be changing color and falling. Now is the perfect time to get a head start on raking leaves so that you don’t have too big of a task later this fall. A heavy layer of leaves can also smother the grass and prevent slow growth in the spring!
Preparing for the colder months early on can take some pressure off later in fall and allow you to enjoy the crisp weather. Before you cozy up on the couch with the fire crackling and a PSL, grab a carbon monoxide alarm and new furnace filters!
If you want to talk about getting a mortgage this fall, we’re always up for a chat! Reach out to us here.