Thinking about cottage improvements? We’ve got you! Here are some suggestions to help you update your cottage this season.

Quickly preparing your home for sale
Selling your home can be a whirlwind experience. It has its highs and lows, where you’re excited to move into a fresh new space, but you are sad to leave the home you’ve created. Deciding what to tackle first to preparing your home for sale can be a daunting and overwhelming task. Meticulous planning and knowing how to sway your buyers into whipping out their checkbooks are the keys to selling your home efficiently.
Preparing your home for sale
There are a few easy tasks that will make a drastic difference when getting ready to sell your home. Think about things you wouldn’t want to see when touring an open house. Clutter can make a house appear dirty and smaller than it is, which is one of the last things you want potential buyers to think when touring your house. Cleaning is a large part of this as well (this goes without saying). Here are a few tips on preparing your home for sale.
Detach yourself from your home
Breaking up with your property can be the most difficult step in preparing your home for sale. The house may hold a lot of memories that can make it hard to detach emotionally. However, those memories will always be with you and something you share with others involved. A home is a feeling that you get emotionally and mentally from the people that are there and the vibe it creates. A property is simply a property without you in it. Moreover, remove all your personal belongings as you detach yourself from the house. Packing up any knick-knacks and personal pieces will help potential buyers envision the home with their belongings in it.
Purge your unnecessary items
Tagging off of packing up your items, it is essential to purge the home. The longer you walk the earth, and the longer you live in a home, the more stuff you tend to accumulate. Many times, we create an attachment to the item or swear that we will fix the issue to be used again. Generally speaking, though, those items sit there and never get used or fixed again. A good rule of thumb is that if the item hasn’t been used in over a year or serve a specific purpose to you anymore, it is time to probably get rid of it.
Make any small repairs
Once the house has been purged, it is time to make minor repairs. Potential buyers will be looking at every little thing when viewing a home. Repairs can either make or break the sale of a home, so it’s in your best interest to fix up anything that looks like it needs to be fixed. If you have a dog with separation anxiety issues that chews the door, filling in the bite marks and painting it over will instantly make the home look better. Fixing a toilet that has trouble flushing or the leaky faucet will also help the home sell faster as this can be a reason for a potential buyer to hesitate. If your house has any brightly colored walls, painting it over with a neutral color or paint will freshen up the space.
Do a deep clean
Throughout the duration of a home being on the market, the house needs to be kept clean. Potential home buyers will nitpick anything and everything that is out of place. Having the home in tip-top shape will create a positive experience for buyers and may sell the home faster. Do a deep clean of the house and ensure the property is spotless. Moreover, maintain the cleanliness of the property as it is up on the market.
As you purge and transform the home into more of a “model home” for your potential buyers, view it as they would. What would they pick up on and what would they criticize? Removing unnecessary items and deep cleaning the space will give them one less thing to criticize and create a positive experience for them! You want to create a positive everlasting impression. Want to talk about preparing your home for sale? Give us a call or you can get in touch with us here!