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pride in your home

It starts with having pride in your home

Pride in your home

The Halifax Pride Festival, taking place from July 16 – 26, is a time to celebrate the unique character of our diverse community. The 2020 Halifax Pride Festival might feel a bit different virtually but continues the celebration of what prompted the first Pride March in Halifax in 1988. Starting out as a protest over the lack of legal protection from discrimination and the threat of homophobic violence.  We have progressed as a community, but it is important to not forget the past and how far we have come. In this post, we’re going to talk a bit more about what it means to have pride in your home.

It starts with being authentic

The progression in our communities means everyone can and should be proud of who they are and be able to live an authentic life. Everyone deserves to feel accepted and not fear to be themselves. There is a long road ahead, even though we have made a lot of progress as a community. Living your authentic self is bold. It is empowering, freeing, and is what I wish for all Haligonians, regardless of your sexual orientation or gender identity. You might be asking, How does this relate to pride in your home?  This is a good question.  Owning and living your identity is important. It starts in your home and extends to all areas of your life. Be proud of who you are, and let your pride show.

Finding the right neighbourhood

Finding the right neighbourhood can present its challenges. You should do your research and choose a neighbourhood that you are comfortable in, and get a feel of the community. An easy question to ask is whether you can live your authentic self without judgment. This seems a bit strange in 2020, but your wellbeing is important. It’s important to balance your wellbeing and amenities, you can certainly live wherever you want, but finding a community that is a good fit will improve your quality of life.

Make sure your home is a good fit for you

Sometimes, to get a feel for a neighbourhood you need to see it for yourself. It can be helpful to drive the neighbourhood at different points in the day and taking a walk throughout the neighbourhood. Are the people friendly?  It’s important to trust your instincts. If you feel welcome, great; if you don’t, then it is time to check out another neighborhood. Over the years, during price, you will notice the open communities, with pride flags in view throughout the month of pride. It was clear that these homeowners felt comfortable sharing their pride with their neighbors.  In other neighborhoods, I didn’t see any.  That doesn’t mean there wasn’t pride in these communities; however, for whatever reason, no one was showing it.

At the end of the day, why you live where you live is just as important as where you live. It’s important to do your research and it starts with having pride in your home!

If you are looking for more information about Halifax pride and the events, which wrap up on the 26th, visit their website here.

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